Sharing the centerstage with 2 fellow artistes from New Southern Records (my recording label for my debut Cantonese album), I started with my rendition of 上海灘 (Seong Hoy Tarn), much to the delight of the crowd. Adding variety to my performance, I included 'Hound Dog' and 'Can't Help Falling In Love' into my repertoire. As expected, there were a number of Elvis fans amongst the crowd. In a light-hearted manner, I asked if my performance was likened to that of Elvis, their response was 'Yes' and 'Better than the real one.' A good sign that I've been doing what I do best in the right direction... :)
I ended my segment with 情花开 (Ching Fa Hoy), taken from my Debut album, leaving the audience with smiling faces.
It's been a busy Chinese New Year for me, with daily performances for the past consecutive days. As the 14th day approaches, marking the end of the CNY season, I would like to wish all my clients and readers a Happy & Prosperous Chinese New Year, filled with good health, inner peace and abundant joy.
Next stop...a major charity event in Sarawak. Stay tuned and look out for press articles in local newspapers for more information.